Thursday, April 20, 2017

Orlando Money and Love Spells Testimony Part 1

It's been a minute since I posted a testimony on here and I thought that I would share this email testimony with you. 

I will not share his real name nor email address for privacy reason's. 

But he nick-named himself Orlando. I did a consultation along with love work and money spell work for him and this is what he had to say:

From: <>
To: RealGiftedSpells <> 
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 12:24 PM
Subject: I GOT NEWS

Well, Brother Child asked me to share my experience and I love to. Before I knew about Brother Child or Real Gifted Spells I had a break up in October 2016. You have no idea how sad I became of not having my girlfriend with me and had no contact from her. 

I went to 2 other workers last year and one ripped me off NEVER heard from them again. They disappeared on me a week after they got my money.

The other worker I didn't see anything from. So, the end of January 2017 I found Real Gifted Spells. So, I wanted a phone consultation with him so I can see if he can help me.

So, I sent the money order off exactly like it said on his website and later got my phone consultation with him. I'm going to tell you one thing that amazed me is that Brother Child picked up on how the break up happened and I didn't mention anything but me and my girlfriend name and birth dates.

Brother Child also mentioned that he saw me either being laid off or fired recently or soon, but somehow you're not working at your job as much as you use to. 

I'm thinking that can't be cause I told Brother Child that I been working there for 9 years now. Brother Child then said.... Well okay, but that's what I see.

So, Brother Child told me its going to be a tough case and suggested what spells that I should get from him so he can cast it to help get my girlfriend back. I ordered it and after that I say about 7 -10 days after the consultation with Brother Child I got fired from the job of 9 years.

The middle of February I order his Triple Strength Job (Employment) Custom Spell. Then the end of February my girlfriend contacted me for the first time in since October 2016 and we chatted hear and there by phone. 

Then in March she contacted me saying she wants to see me and we did. I was nervous, but I kept positive cause I didn't want to blow the work Brother Child done. After that the phone calls came in everyday and we're seeing each other a little more now.

Just a couple of days ago I got called for 3 job interviews. Even though I got a few ways to go, but I'm really seeing results and hoping to make a part 2 testimonial of everything and Brother Child maybe can post that and share it too ...LOL.

All I can say is Brother Child man... you're doing great work and I will keep you updated soon and thanks for helping me.


If you choose to order Psychic Readings and Consultations with me to see what is going on in your life or magical help to best fit your situation please visit my website:

Do Reconciliation Spells Really Work?

Majority of love work that I have done for clients is Reconciliation Spell work to have a ex or lover to come back or make a lover return to a person.

People in relationships or marriages whether the couple been together for a few months, a few years or decades seems to either has separated or broken up.

Out of all love spells there is .... love spells to return a ex or reconciliation spell in most cases can be the most complicated spells depending on the situation and let me explain why.

People will try there best to find the most powerful reconciliation spells work to bring back back an ex or to return a lost lover to reunite with them.

Perhaps the break up or separation could have been because one or both people had problems in communication, money, sex, emotional, physical or mental issues, attraction or romance issues that has been there in the relationship.

Some has either broken up or separated, because one of the mates or spouses in the relationship perhaps think the other one has been unfaithful, lost interest, lost trust or perhaps thinking one or both in the relationship might be dealing with someone else.

Some has even separated or broken up from someone doing some negative spell work like break up spells for example or revenge spells, because whether they want somebody in the relationship or want them to break up the couple for their own personal reasons.

Some don't even know why they broke up or separated in the first place, but whatever the reason is for the splitting of the couple sometimes one or both of the people feels the hurt of the break up

But, when someone comes to me for help to bring their lover back. First thing I like to do is look into it with a consultation, because most clients that I have casted a reconciliation spell for seems to think that the break up was just an simple thing of the lover left and sometimes there maybe something that my client may not have mentioned, may have forgotten or may not know what might be the reason's for the split.

If I can see through my psychic consultation that there's a possible chance that I can try to help them then I will suggest kind of some spell casting that I can do or better yet customized spell work based on the situation, because in most cases you can't have just any ole' random love spell casted.

But, if I see in the beginning of the consultation or spell casting that the person has major mental, emotional issues or problems with them I will let the client know, because working through spells in trying to bring two people together is one thing, but love spells isn't going to work like psychiatric medicine.

If there is something mentally wrong with them.. especially if it's genetic in the family blood line. Love spells won't change nor alter DNA.

Some people might have to see a qualified doctor or psychiatrist that specialize in that to try to help them.

But, when someone has a drinking or drug, substance abuse problem that either changes their demeanor or behavior in a awkward, depressed or angry manner in a negative way the target might have to seek some counseling.

When the person is having love spells to bring back or reconcile with their ex that is dealing with some mental or emotional issues then the person might feels either confused, sad or upset, because in feeling they can't reach out to help their ex nor understand the confusing things that they are and are NOT doing.

In some cases these issues sometimes has a way of interfering in love spells depending on the emotional and mind set of the ex.

Not saying that it's impossible, because there are some cases that love spells has gotten a ex to return back into the picture in some form or to reconcile. I been helping my clients for many years to get their lover back. 

But, sometimes you can't ignore the underlining issues of what actually broke up the relationship in the first place.

Also, another example is if you broken a trust with your ex or emotionally, mentally or physically abused your ex and with love spells you got them to come back into the picture or the relationship again then you have to work on fixing those issues or you might risk of facing another splitting again.

Yes, there are spells to help in some cases, but sometimes another additional step such as counseling, rehab, and adjusting yourself or themselves is something that is a MUST to quickly be worked on.

Also, when I cast reconciliation spell work for my client they need to work with their spells and not against it, because their might be some kind of strong interference, negativity or resistance in the situation.. Why make matters worse especially if someone is trying to break you up by their actions or spell work then what you're doing while you're fighting against it. You're actually helping the enemy succeed in the break up

I hope you enjoy this post and hope you SUBSCRIBE to my channel, because I will be discussing more topics concerning the underlining of dealing with love spells.

Be Blessed,
Brother Child

If you choose to order Psychic Readings and Consultations with me to see what is going on in your life or magical help to best fit your situation please visit my website: